Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.
Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.

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Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

In June, 2018, the Intelligent Building Branch of the China Construction Industry Association together with Intelligent Building had initiated a charity activity aiming to bring the intelligent industry to Xinjiang. The philosophy of  “light charity” was brought out in the activity in which a book and a pen could even become the participant and the deliver of love. On this occasion, GONSIN, as a responsible enterprise, brought love to the children in the mountains,  together with the sponsors.

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

This activity was launched at a Kazakh primary school in Urumqi County, Urumqi City, Xinjiang. Although the primary school had completed the construction of the teaching buildings and the purchases of teaching equipment in 2014, with the strong support of the national education support policy and social loving people. But most of the students are nomads, and the longest distance from home to school can even reach more than 140 kilometers. The road to attend school is difficult, so as the living conditions. The existing school supplies are not enough to meet the needs.

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

On 24th July,  a big truck full of subsidiary school materials had traveled from Urumqi to the south. After driving for nearly 2 hours, it arrives at the Tori Township Primary School in the Urumqi County, a county located in the Nanshan area of Urumqi City. 

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

Tori Township Primary School, as well as the local government, thought highly of this philanthropic activity. Participants of this activity included: Shahedula, the head of Tori Township, Fan Congping, the deputy head of Tori Township, Zhang Bin, the deputy director of Urumqi County Education Bureau, Zhou Xiaojie, the secretary of Tori Middle School, and Hai Hongyu and Habulaxi, the commanders of Tori Primary School.


Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

GONSIN is distributing subsidiary materials to students together with representatives of  enterprises in this industry 

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

On behalf of the sponsors, Huang Jiusong, the president of the Intelligent Building Branch of the China Construction Industry Association, delivered a speech, hoping that children carry a great ambition, endeavor in the new era, study hard, and make contribution for the construction and development of wisdom city in their hometown and motherland. Gong Yanfeng, a professor of Nanjing University of Technology,  representing of philanthropic enterprises and individuals encouraged students at the scene, asking them to exercise, to think, and to study hard so as to change their lives.

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

Gonsin In Xinjiang Bringing Love To Kids In The Mountains

GONSIN has always been a national enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, committed to various social public welfare undertakings, and actively assume social responsibilities. As a practitioner of philanthropy, GONSIN has been working hard to be a national brand with humanistic solicitude. Donating to Tori Township Primary School not only brings more joy to children, but also reflects that GONSIN delivers the mission of the enterprise with practical actions. In the future, GONSIN will continue to be the practitioner of philanthropy and the disseminator of the public welfare concept, spread the spirit of pursuing progress and good deeds, attract more attention to the public welfare undertakings and create a sustainable public welfare ecosphere.

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