Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.
Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.

Why Choose Gonsin Conference System


Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter's Demands

On July 21st, the standing committee of Panzhihua People’s Congress has held a special session on strengthen ideological and political work for the leading group in the city.

Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter' s Demands

GONSIN conference discussion system has been applied in the session.

Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter' s Demands

Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter' s Demands

Governments at all levels have do their best to prepare the incoming 19th CPC National Congress. With its advanced technology and stable product quality, GONSIN has gained a recognition from people’s congresses at all levels;

Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter' s Demands

What the standing committee of Panzhihua People's Congress used in the session is GONSIN DCS-Q2057 economical paperless conference system. It has a full-metal endurable shell with high-end texture, supports horizontal desktop installation and vertical chair armrest installation. In accordance with different demands, it can provide multiple solutions. It has a 32-channel simultaneous interpretation terminal, and a dual 32-channel simultaneous interpretation terminal with CD-level sound quality, which provides a better conference experience. Users can choose different combinations according to their demands.

Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter' s Demands

Excellent product always has its unique advantage, different combination solution of DCS-Q2057 can expand paperless multimedia function by adding paperless conference extended terminal. Such a flexible product reduces the workload for conference organizers. With the popularity of paperless conference technology, more and more organizers are interesting in it. Under this circumstance, GONSIN DCS-Q2057 economical paperless conference system is launched into the market, which not only meets the demand of basic conference function but also can be extended to paperless conference function with phased investment.

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Gonsin Conference Expert Grasps The Cusomter' s Demands

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