Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.
Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.

Why Choose Gonsin Conference System


Gonsin Remarkable 2017

In 2017, these moments worth to be remembered

First China indigenous Aircraft Carrier

High-level Belt&Road Initative Forum

Fuxing Bullet Train

Xiongan New Area

The 19th National Congress of CPC

Successful Roctet Launch with Three Satellites

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

It is also an extraordinary year for GONSIN. Let's review these exciting moments

World-First Innovation

On 22nd February 2017, GONSIN participated the 15th Prolight + Sound Guangzhou and launched FS-FHSS wireless simultaneous interpretation system. The new product release was comprised of online and offline part, and broadcased alive gloablly. It utilized GONSIN self-innovated FS-FHSS technology, which is suitable for outdoor large-scale conference venue. 

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Power of Made-in-China

In 2017, GONSIN products were applied in the 5th CELAC Summit, the 47th Caribbean Development Bank Annual Meeting, Malaysia Mass Rally and other important high-end conferences, which gained clients recognition and approval, and dispalyed the quality of Made-in-China.

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Innovation, Our Core Competitiveness

In April and June of 2017, GONSIN has received two patents for invention, one audio data tranmission methods and central control unit, terminal; one audio data mixing methods and device. These patens have been applied in DCS series products and significantly improve their performance and competiveness. 

Gonsin Remarkable 2017


On 27th Sept 2017, Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., Ltd and Shenzheng Qianhai Zhongli Consulting Firm have started their corporation project. According to their frame agreement, the corporation will focus on the optimizing GONSIN business models, strategy development project, industry resource integration, internal incentive and others.

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Seize Opportunities, Actively Integrate into Belt&Road Economic Zone

In this year, Belt&Road Forum For International Cooperation has been held in Beijing. As a new multilateral cooperation platform, there are numerous opportunities for countries. With this background, there will be more chances for audiovisual companies. GONSIN will seize opportunities and build up its brand in Belt&Road economic zone. 

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Receive Honor from Hardwork, Stay Ture to the Mission 

In 2017, GONSIN FS-FHSS wireless simultaneous interpretation system has received Canton Fair Design Silver Award among 1086 competitors. 

GONSIN Received Top Ten Broadcast Conference National Brand Award from Huicong Sound&Light Industry Brand Evaluation

GONSIN Recived 2017 Audio Industry Top Ten Conference System Award in 2017 Audiovisual Industry Summit. 

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Build Up High-rank Conference System

As a leading provider in conference system, Gonsin has a wide product range including conference voting, discussion, simultaneous interpretation, attendance registration, central control, conference public address, paperless conference system and related software. In 2017, GONSIN has participated Prolight+Sound Guangzhou, InfoComm India, the 121st and 122nd Canton Fair. 

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

Gonsin Remarkable 2017

In the future, GONSIN will keep on improving its products and services, build up win-win cooperation with customers.

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