Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.
Gonsin Conference Equipment Co., LTD.

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How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

To study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discussion on poverty alleviation work thoroughly, to implement the important instructions of Premier Li Keqiang conscientiously and to summary and analyze the progress of the relocation of poverty alleviation, especially the follow-up support work, from April 11th to 12th,2019, the follow-up support work conference for the national anti-poverty relocation and resettlement was held in Guizhou Province,  exchanging experiences for arranging the next phase of key tasks.

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

Anti-poverty Relocation and Resettlement Follow-up Support Work Conference

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

The member of Central Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China and leader of the State Council Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development and vice premier, Hu Chunhua, delivered a speech in the conference. In accordance with the requirements of the central economic work conference and the government work report, he stressed that the task of poverty alleviation and relocation and follow-up support work will be fully completed, providing strong support to fight against poverty.

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Sun Zhigang made a speech.

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

Vice Director of National Development and Reform Commission, Zhang yong chaired the conference

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

Vice secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and governor of Guizhou province, Shen yiqin introduced Guizhou province.

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

Member of Party group of the State Council, Gao yu read out the important instructions of Premier Li Keqiang  

As a private enterprise with responsibility, GONSIN is dare to innovate in the new era by comprehensively improving the personal qualities of employees, paying close attention to product quality, establishing a sound management mechanism, and making each product perfect, which create excellent conference experience for our customers.

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

To ensure this meaningful conference run smoothly, GONSIN Digital Conference Discussion System was applied on site, which is stable, convenient and quality to met the different needs for the conference organizer--4200 Desktop Digital Conference Discussion System & Leaders Series Rectangular Columnar Short Microphone 

How Gonsin Supported The Conference Of China' s Anti-poverty Relocation And Resettlement Program

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